Chetanco Interventions

I provide individual counselling, family counselling, spiritual wisdom and group drug & alcohol education sessions using creative media.

I have 36 years experience working in the personal development field, working on my own development and supporting people develop the insight to make meaningful change. I have shared the wisdom and insights i have gained being with spiritual teachers from the crazy wise tradition. I have developed a unique approach called Sacred Holistic Insight Training which is based on totally spontaneous, in the moment responses to life issues that people find challenging. I have 15 years experience in the drug & alcohol field and have utilised many creative mediums for working with people in this difficult area of change. I feel that our innate human spiritual experience is often not acknowledged and our responsibility for change (and the power to change) is surrendered to spiritual teachers and religious beliefs from various traditions. I feel it is time for a new approach which involves us relying on and developing our own spiritual wisdom without reference to external influences and breaking completely with all previous disciplines, practices and traditions. I acknowledge that this approach will only suit some individuals. When I was a disciple of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, he referred to only 10% of his disciples being authentic esoteric seekers of inner awakening. Therefore, my assertion is that to have the courage to be yourself (even though different traditions espouse this under their system) means exactly that. BE YOURSELF !! Travel alone, but be in contact with other
like minded beings. Don't limit yourself, trust yourself and BE yourself.

Consulting/business services